Monday, December 29, 2008

Weddings Weddings

Fallen more sick after Christine's wedding. The cough is killing me. Another wedding just passed, finally! haha, I am under pressure after each weddings. Y? of cos its not about finding the other right half, let's just say I am super helpful, ahaha!

I was bridesmaid for the 2 recent weddings. Layc's on Nov 1st and Christine's on 28th Dec. Both weddings I had fun but also before the weddings I couldn't sleep much. Layc's, I was still sewing her cheongsam on actual day in between breaks from the morning gate crash and the banquet dinner at night. Christine's, I was still trying to figure out the iMovie by my own for the first time just to insert the music to the videoclip I export from Flash and trying to get the music fade in and out and save the right format and file size, at 8hrs before the gate crash in the morning. Blame myself for being last min and slow also, huhuhu!

Here are the fruits I had produced.

Layc's lace cheongsam, design and produced by me. Took about 4 fittings to get it right, cos I had no confidence in getting right after I kinda screwed up the Shanghai Tang trial cheongsam making interview. Layc looks beautiful in it. I'm kinda proud of this dress, haha cos it's considered the neatiness of all the clothes I have designed and produced and most importantly the bride loves it.

This is the photo montage video clip I did for christine. She wanted the old vintage film feel. I think I didn't really do much research on the chaplin style, anyway I just anyhow, do it my own way. I did the animate on Flash after I touched up bits of the photos from colour tone and christine's acne face from her teen days, haha! Exporting of the file to quicktime was kinda tedious and I had no1 to ask. So I anyhow until i get it right. Stress...... Anyways, then come to iMovie, I even more clueless. So anyhow again, I click and drag and searching the right music and sequence to insert into the clip. Took a while to anyhow discover the functions. I'm bad with notes and instruction books. Finally by 11pm on 27th Dec the thing is done!

Here's the clip!

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